FEBRUARYTYBSC IT seminar and Project Competition At Kalyan West
This event organized by V2V class with this event student can learn from each other and competite has well, students also receive certification from classes which will help them to show other their skills

OCTOBERBest Moments V2V classes inauguration in kalyan west
An inauguration is the process of swearing a person into office and thus making that person the incumbent. Such an inauguration commonly occurs through a formal ceremony or special event.

JUNELohgad picnic-V2V Engineering Diploma and BscIT/CS classes
V2Vclass organizes picnics, on a yearly basis, for students of each level. These are fun trips for interaction, entertainment, togetherness, bonding and understanding. The students get to know one another and teachers get to know their students.

SEPTEMBERVector 2019 An Annual Event Of V2V Engneering And BscIT Classes
Vector 2019 An Annual Event Of V2V Engneering And BscIT Classes

DECEMBERV2V Seminar for career guidance for orbit science class in Kalyan
V2V Seminar for career guidance for orbit science class in Kalyan.

JANUARYSeminar for Engineering student at moraya hall-kalyan
Seminar for Engineering student at moraya hall-kalyan

FEBRUARYSeminar for Engineering student at V2V-Kalyan (East) Branch
Seminar for Engineering student at V2V-Kalyan (East) Branch

DECEMBERChrismas party at V2V engineering class
Chrismas party at V2V engineering class

DECEMBERSport Day Celebration at V2V Classes in Kalyan
Sport Day Celebration at V2V Classes in Kalyan

OCTOBERPrize distribution for students of Engineering & Bsc IT
Prize distribution for students of Engineering & Bsc IT